Fighting For Racial Justice

Delco CPR is committed to fighting against systemic racism and working for greater equity in our local criminal justice system.

We recognize that our country has a long history of institutional racism that unjustly targets our black and brown brothers and sisters — including those behind bars at George W. Hill Correctional Facility and those walking our county’s streets who could become a target at any moment — of racial profiling, disproportionate incarceration for the same crimes white people commit, police brutality and other kinds of inequitable, racist treatment. We condemn the recent, unconscionable murder of George Floyd, a black man who lay pleading in the street for more than eight minutes, unable to breathe while a white policeman pressed a knee to his neck. We condemn the recent, unconscionable murder of Breonna Taylor, a black woman who was shot by plainclothes police when they invaded her home in the middle of the night based on faulty information about illegal drugs. These are two recent murders in a long line of murders and lynchings of black people in this country. We raise our voices in the struggle for justice and call for ending the senseless, unjust killing of black people by police and by civilians. Enough. We raise our voices in the struggle for racial justice across all our institutions. Our hearts go out to all who are grieving, scared, exhausted and beyond sick of our country’s racism. 

This is a moment for national soul-searching and a national reckoning with our shared history. It is a moment to rethink what is possible and how we might shift from a nation that over-polices and brutalizes black and brown communities to one that reinvests in these communities and seeks to repair and rebuild. We cannot bring back those whose lives have been snatched from them while jogging or shopping or playing in the park, or while incarcerated at George W. Hill. We can fight for justice in their names, and recommit to doing the work. We recognize that this is a pivotal moment for Delaware County to rethink our values and how to address our unjust criminal justice system locally. 

Delco CPR will continue its current campaign to deprivatize George W. Hill Correctional Facility, in the interest of greater transparency, accountability, more humane treatment of all our brothers and sisters behind bars, and an end to corporate profit from managing this facility. We will also begin conversations about additional ways that our organization can support the transformation of our criminal justice system locally. Please continue to join us as we deepen our commitment to local reform. We are exploring possibilities for a virtual meeting on Thursday, June 18th — stay tuned for details. 

We know that there is power to make change when people come together, and we are grateful for all of you who are in this fight with us. May we rise in Delaware County and transform what is possible. 

Yours in the Struggle for Justice,

Delco CPR Leadership Team