
DelcoCPR presents "Protection Without Restriction" proposal to CJOB, Warden Williams

During the most recent County Jail Oversight Board meeting on August 8th, DelcoCPR leadership appeared in front of the Board to present the “Protection Without Restriction” proposal written by leadership, members, and friends of DelcoCPR. The proposal highlights unfair treatment of special populations within George W. Hill Correctional Facility — and envisions a facility that finds alternatives to isolation when protecting groups such as minors, elderly, and LGBTQ+ among others.

DelcoCPR Returns to In-person Organizing

For the first time since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, DelcoCPR will be holding an in-person organizing meeting with the option to join remotely via Google Meet. We are excited to return to a more normal organizing format with the hopes that it will bring meaningful dialogue and a greater sense of community. See you on February 16th at 7:30 at the Trinity Episcopal Church in Swarthmore!

Taking the Campaign to County Council

DelcoCPR leader Kabeera M. Weissman spoke directly to Delaware County Council at the weekly meeting on February 27, 2018. 

In general, if every other county in Pennsylvania can deal with their county jails and oversight and operate and manage them effectively, why can’t this county?”
— Kabeera M. Weissman

After the meeting, Kabeera spoke with Council Chairman John McBlain who said that the Delaware County Board of Prison Inspectors would have to solicit a request for proposal from service providers in order to consider changing the management of the prison. 

View Kabeera's public statement in the video below, and read about the meeting in full detail from reporter Kathleen E. Carey of The Delaware County Daily Times.

Rally to Deprivatize Delco's Prison


DelcoCPR members and area residents gathered in Media, PA in front of the Delaware County Courthouse on February 24, 2018 to rally to Deprivatize Delco's Prison. Speakers shared details about the privatization campaign, what group members witnessed during a visit to George W. Hill Correctional Facility in Fall 2017, and a personal experience of incarceration at the prison.

All images courtesy of photographer Chris Schmucki