Apply to Join the County Jail Oversight Board

Time is running out to apply for one of three citizen member positions on the new County Jail Oversight Board approved in September by Delaware County Council. Applicants have until October 25th to send their application directly to the county Executive Director Marianne Grace.

Here are more details from the press release issue by Delaware County:

Delaware County Council approved a resolution establishing oversight of the county jail with a County Jail Oversight Board at its Sept. 25 public council meeting.

The Jail Oversight Board will replace the current County Board of Prison Inspectors, which is comprised of two members selected by County Council and three members selected by the county Board of Judges. The new Jail Oversight Board will include the County Executive Director, two Delaware County Common Pleas Court Judges, one of whom is the President Judge or a designee and another appointed by the President Judge, the Delaware County Sheriff, the Delaware County Controller, Delaware County Council Chairman or a designee, and three citizen members. The citizen members are appointed for three-year terms. The citizen members shall be appointed by Executive Director, Marianne Grace with the consent of County Council. Grace will be identifying qualified citizens to serve on the Delaware County Jail Oversight Board and submit recommendations for Council’s consent before the Nov. 27 council meeting.

Letters of intent and resumes are currently being accepted to fill the three citizen member appointments. Applicants should have the background and experience which indicates that they are qualified to act in the interest of the public.

Applicants cannot be employed by the County of Delaware or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Letters of intent and resumes can be mailed or emailed to Executive Director Marianne Grace by Oct. 25:

Job Oversight Board Applicant
C/O Marianne Grace
201 West Front Street
Media, PA 19063

They can also be emailed to: